Sunday, July 29, 2012

The first of the weekly updates.

So Scott and I talked and decided we really wanted to start actively blogging and the best way for us to do that is going to be for us to make a schedule. So we sat down and came up with a new weekly schedule.

Starting today you can look for
New coloring pages on Tuesdays
Food Porn ala Scott on  Thursday
Shop Tips
on Saturday
and Sundays I will be doing a week in review 
showing you all the fun stuff we did over the past week as well as newly listed items.

We are in the process of dumping everything into one store over the next week and simply calling it Yucca Flats to keep everything the same and not have two shops. We are now listing new items on Sundays in Scott's shop that will be converted to Yucca Flats so all these links will still remain valid only the name of the shop will change. All of the tanks shown below were listed today right here.

We have also been somewhat unintentionally gardening. The ladies across the street gave us pepper and eggplant seedlings so I kept them alive. They are finally starting to flower and the whole thing is making Scott and I start seriously thinking about making a more substantial garden next year. we will never get fully self sustainable but we do have plans to make our over version of a bottle tower and try to grow as many vegetables as we can do in containers in our climate for next year. For this year we are just going to let the peppers and eggplant grow and see what happens. If all goes well we should have enough peppers and eggplant for our whole little compound of people here. But for now we can not jump the gun too much but just wait, water and watch.

Other things you might have missed this week,
the only non muerto coloring page I have ever posted here

and a two part showing each half of the work Scott and I do for the recycled tank project
my half
his half

It has been a good week for us for the most part, we really can not complain too much.
We will be back next sunday to give you a rundown of what else happened here at Yucca flats. Till then,
Enjoy your evening or whenever this finds you.

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